About Us

Dr Alec Clark
Founder of PBS plus LTD
Having worked in Education for over 20 years as a Chief Officer, Executive Headteacher and Director, Alec is now working with schools, local authorities and other organisations as an improvement partner. He is also a Team Teach Principal Tutor and provides bespoke packages of behaviour management. Alec enjoys watching organisations learn and improve and is a firm believer in “all successful organisations are learning organisations”.
Delivering a Vision
Working with schools and other organisations that want to improve is just a dream job. I really appreciate how hard it can be to develop a coherent vision, bring people with you and deliver for the service user. Having someone by your side for that journey, testing out your theories and ideas can be transformational. It’s all about getting it right and delivering services that make peoples lives better. It’s what we at PBS plus are here for.

On Your Side

Deeply Committed